Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Artikel NEW, Memperingati Bulan Ramadhan

Ramadlan; Curb Consumer Appetite
By: Misbahul Ulum *
Since the beginning Ramadlan, the whole food price increase is quite significant. The phenomenon seemed to have become an annual routine. Somehow the government has always overwhelmed in stemming the rise in the price. In fact, it should rise in prices has become an annual routine, can be anticipated early.
Various efforts have been taken by the government to suppress soaring food prices. Among them is to perform market operations. However, in reality, the operation of the market held by the government that, did not have much impact on rising food prices in the community. As a result, prices of basic commodities was still increased continuously.
Technically, the price increase was caused by the high public demand, while the amount of inventory is very limited. Then, who should be a concern here is why every Ramadlan come it is always a high demand figures? And does it differ from month Ramadlan months the others economically?
Ramadlan month is the month that most noble, in it there is a command to do the fasting, which is required to hold worship of things that can break the fast. For example, eating and drinking, from dawn until sunset.
If this refers to the commandment of fasting, should be in Ramadlan prices of basic food prices has decreased, not actually increase. Because, if it is calculated mathematically, needs someone on the moon is much less than in other months. If for example someone on a regular day in a single day to eat as much as three times, in Ramadlan someone eating only twice, namely when breaking and dawn.
However, the fact that occur in society so different from the matter mathematically. This month, prices rose just incredible. There seems to be behind the problem that caused these prices to rise. And if you conclude, the main cause is the consumerist culture that has long been rooted in society.
Manifestation of consumer culture is seen when someone is breaking the fast. Someone will usually prepare a variety of foods for Iftar. Starting from the appetizer, the core of cuisine, until dessert. Sometimes it's very excessive.
Fasting is supposed to be the media adds to devote to God and also media training to foster empathy for others, has turned into a routine the tug of lust. Fasting is no more just a routine resist the desire to eat and drink, from dawn until sunset. However, after sunset arrived, appetite and drank it off just like that without control.
Suffering, hunger, and the concerns felt by those who lack do not mean anything to run fast. They remain to be those who are always in shortage, hunger and helplessness. In fact, fasting should train oneself to be able to feel what is felt by people who can’t afford. Not become a routine that just holding food and drink.
Holding Lust
One purpose of fasting is to train a person's restraint and control of the passions or desires that bad. And one of the passions must be controlled is the consumerist lust. Consumptive appetite is a desire that leads to the level of use and efflux of a particular item is very high. The ultimate goal is to spend without ever thinking to create or produce something (productive).
Sometimes, this is never realized by many people. Naturally, if every time Ramadlan come, consumption level is very high, so many prices had also soared. Consumptive appetite is not only happening at the time of breaking it, almost all of the nuances Ramadlan always identified with high levels of consumption. For example, buying new clothes and equipment. Thus emerged the notion that, no Ramadlan without clothes and new equipment.
Picture above of course is contrary to the true spirit of fasting. Fasting to lose the sacred values​​. Its sacredness has shifted with consumerist lust that had long mastered the spirit and mindset. If that ever happens, it's hardly worth it done fast, only hunger and thirst are obtained.
Furthermore, this high consumptive desires necessitates excessive lifestyle. Things that should not be necessary, was held deliberately invent. Iftar should be enough to eat and drink naturally, plus a variety of food. It shows a pattern of excessive. Is this what is called empathy and social sensitivity?
The answer is of course not. It is precisely such a pattern is increasingly showing that fasting did not influence anything. Spirit of social sensitivity and empathy are invisible. Only the excessive spirit was apparent. Though God does not like someone is excessive.
To restore the sacred fasting and simultaneously suppress the rise in food prices, one of the cultural measures that can be done is to curb consumer appetite. Someone should begin to cultivate the awareness that fasting is an exercise to feel the fate of the less able, to exercise restraint from desires lawwamah, as well as exercises to be responsible to Allah SWT.
It is time for a paradigm of high consumption in performing the fasting should be changed as soon as possible. If this is allowed to drag on, then the annual routine high food prices will always repeat itself. In addition fasting also sacred will never materialize.
Therefore, for someone who is running fast, running fast with the aim should expect ridlo God and to get closer to him. Because God does not like people that much, then fasting is also not to overdo it. And Allah knows best bi al-shawab
* The writer is a researcher at the Monash Institute of Semarang, chairman of the scientific studies on IAIN Walisongo Semarang.

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